Title: Big City
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/biggcity.zip
Size: 63.14 KB
Date: 05/30/05
Author: Matt Simmon
Description: Yet another deathmatch PWAD for doom2. Complete with a baseball park (but the players are on strike).

This new PWAD comes equipped with 3 HUGE buildings, and the newest hangout for MLB players while in Biggcity. Yes, a new ballpark, Launcher Field, is one of the ex- citing attractions you'll see while in town. And don't forget to visit the world famous Hotel Hell. Book a room, invite a friend or three, and have a blast killing them. Happy hunting, human......
Credits: All the people who make Doom possible and to the folks who make all the editors which let folks like me have their way with Doom. And Rob for helping me test this thing out (who is also one ruthless SOB when he plays deathmatch!)
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU and BSP
Rating: (1 vote)

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