Title: The Brick Yard
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/brikyard.zip
Size: 27.85 KB
Date: 01/30/95
Author: Alan R. Johns
Description: This is a DOOM II-only deathmatch wad. If you like the arena type deathmatch wad, then you'll like this one. I've spent alot of time making sure the textures line up, that doors aren't chopped in half, and you don't see the tootie-fruity effect all over the place. There nothing more irritating than these people who publish wads with basically good structural ideas, but with crappy looking texture alignments. There are plenty of secret areas and sniper points. However, watch your back! There is almost no place you can go where someone can't sneak up behind you. Have fun. I hope you enjoy it and much as I did making it.
Credits: Jeff Rabenhorst. This is the ONLY Doom editor IMHO.

Rick Slezak and Gary Peifer for helping debug this wad and being rather ruthless playtesters.
Base: Totally Original Wad
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.23 The best!!!
Bugs: None so far. Please Email if you find any.

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