Title: You can't hide!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/canthide.zip
Size: 45.87 KB
Date: 07/05/03
Author: Dean "deathz0r" Joseph
Description: (Oh man I love typing bullshit stories up)

One time in the Land of Many Campers, a certain ZDaemoner was getting fed up with campers who would camp in his own creations, especially when he couldn't do anything about it. He decided to construct a building that was so tiny, that it would be impossible for a person with the brain of an American president to actually stand in one place and expect to cheaply kill the players who actually try to play the game properly. He had to make it universally compatible, so that anyone would be able to enjoy his creation. He deceived some lamers from Doom Connector to play a "new wad that will literally blow your mind", and watched them freak out when they realised that they had nowhere to hide. The ZDaemoner defeated them with so much ease, that he decided to spread the wad so that many people will learn the ultimate lesson: 'You'll never get anywhere with camping.'
Credits: AdAmIzEr9000: you owe me AdAmIzEr9000: u owe me 20 seconds of my life back AdAmIzEr9000: cuz that was the shittyest wad ever made

[15:38] this is a work of art [15:38] A marvel among doom editing~!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Two minutes
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor
Bugs: The type that itch
Rating: (29 votes)

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