Title: CATHEDRAL! for DOOM ][ Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/cathedrl.zip
Size: 57.83 KB
Date: 11/15/97
Author: DENIS Fabrice aka DeF-46!
Description: I always dreamed of it: DEATHMATCH IN A CATHEDRAL !

I really don't know what made the success of this level: - the idea? firghting in a sacred place? - the music? organ music adds to the theme - the map? it's based on the plan of a real Cathedrale, ancient style. - it's wide, you can play zigzag around the columns.

Please NOTE that the level is not finished, I wanted to put some beautiful stained-glass with scenes of holy deathmatches, and a lot of texturing has still to be done.

Well, I'm waiting for some comment/suggestions to know that there's still real doom fans like me out there, and then I will continue to update the goodies on the Leprechaun Web site!
Credits: BORIS Pereira, he has worked with me and supported me to release my creations, and we finally have opened the Leprechaun web site!

id Software - The MASTERS...
Base: head, brain, alpha waves, genius, and such.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK
Bugs: please report any to bpereira@ulb.ac.be

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