Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/a-c/chain2.zip
Size: 15.24 KB
Date: 09/28/12
Author: 永野 想
Description: This WAD was found on http://nagano.tri6.net/doom/wads.htm
This is a different WAD from the one in CHAINSAW.ZIP despite the identical text file being included (by mistake?)

This text file uses the Shift-JIS (Japanese) text encoding.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WINDEU Ver5.24
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)

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IT'S CALLED CHAINSAW BUT THERE ARE NO CHAINSAWS. Ah well, there's a BBC drama called Spooks and Derek Acorah doesn't appear once. With this in mind, I'll award the map zero stars.x
This is apparently the sequel to CHAINSAW.WAD, but is entirely devoid of chainsaws. Instead, it's a 4-way symmetrical thing with teleports, nukage, and a switch to deploy some Lost Souls for the weirdos who play DM with monsters on. Nothing special ** - Revenantx

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