Title: Decamatch II Annihilation
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/deca2.zip
Size: 871.77 KB
Date: 09/26/98
Author: TeamOnslaught. We are: Luke Cama "Spike" Vince Fong "Vkiller" Simon Howard "Fraggle" Tom Robinson "m
Description: The sequel to the excellent deathmatch compilation Decamatch. 10 More Deathmatch levels with more concentration to gameplay than the original.

NB. If you don't have this text file(uh?), then you can extract it from the TXTFILE WAD resource.
Credits: 'Mystican' Robinson
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Levels: Edmap (Simon and Tom) DCK (Tom) Deep, Deep97 (Luke) DoomCad (Vince) DETH (Justin) Others: TED - Endoom Data BSP - Node Builds RMB - Reject Builds Paint Shop Pro - Graphics Neopaint - Graphics DEUTEX - Compilation
Bugs: None! OK theres a few in doom2 but you already know them and they're not our fault. If you do find any don't hesitate to contact us at
Rating: (7 votes)

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Really fun.x

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