Title: Demolish! 2.0
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/demolsh2.zip
Size: 295.35 KB
Date: 09/28/96
Author: Adam Shapiro
Description: Four sizzling hot new levels made specifically for Deathmatch 2.0 (Alternative Deathmatch). New sounds, graphics, and music.
Credits: Andrew Waitsman and Matt Karpicus for extensive playtesting and criticizing. Also, and sounds/ graphics/music that I stole without knowing it. Also, Keith Kickman for helping with the tex- tures, Josh (aka Phallus) for the status bar.
Base: New levels from scratch.
Build time: On and off for 2 weeks.
Editor(s) used: DoomCad 6.1, WinTex 4.3, DeeP, Paint Shop Pro 3.1 TeD, TheDraw, Warm16.
Bugs: On the first level you can see below the horizon if standing on the exit sign and look over the wall. Other than that, none. Please e-mail me any bugs you encounter at: adam@bios.net

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