Title: Doomkid's Deathmatch 2!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dk_dm_2.zip
Size: 1.03 MB
Date: 03/18/14
Author: DoomKid (Adam P.)
Description: Hello again fellow Doomers. Here I have 15 more deathmatch maps for you all to enjoy, as usual! I think people who are familiar with my deathmatch stuff will find these to be above my previous par - I spent more time than usual working on tactical layouts and clean visuals, while keeping the maps fairly simple/accessable to any player of any skill level. Some of these are remakes of older maps of mine, but revamped for a deathmatch. If you're familiar with them you'll have an advantage when you play online. Each map is full of secrets so wall humping anything that may look out of place is always a good idea. Map10 has a -ton- of secret areas and walls that can be walked through, and the layout of the map changes a lot if all the switches are found, turning it from a tactical map with hiding spots into a totally level playing feild. I hope you all enjoy these, I had a lot of fun making them and testing them with other doomers!
Credits: Insert Credits
Base: All Your Base
Build time: 69,420,641 seconds
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1, XWE, Guitar Pro 5, Midi2Mus
Rating: (9 votes)

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Fun on ZDS hope to see it againx
Honestly not super great. Some of the maps are decent for 4 players but it starts to unravel with any more. A couple of layouts might make solid duel maps with retooled item placement. Map10's gimmick is a nice idea with poor execution and looks like something from the 90s in a bad way.x
Good pack.x
Super old school DM maps with that special charm, worth a download.x
I like Doomkid's maps. They are super old school. He puts a lot of effort into item placement and DM player spawns. The texture usage is also pretty solid. Overall, if you're a fan of Doomkid's work, I recommend downloading this and hosting a server f it either on Zdaemon or Zandronum. This is a great edition to anyone's collection of DM wads. x
An oldschool deathmatch map. However some maps are unbalanced. x

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