Title: DM6: The Darkish zone
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dm6.zip
Size: 188.42 KB
Date: 12/08/98
Author: Simon Howard 'Fraggle'
Description: I don't think anyone has done a dm6 conversion yet, so here's my attempt. I had to modify the level slightly because of the limits of Doom, but it includes quake textures and sounds. Users of legacy will also have a replacement 'jump' sound, and a new teleport sprite!
Credits: Author of quakedm.wad and mystican (some quake sounds nicked from your wads) id - doom. quake.
Base: New level from scratch/conversion of quake dm6
Build time:
Editor(s) used: edmap, deutex, psp5, nwt
Bugs: as if!
Rating: (3 votes)

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Great recreation, and perfeclty shows why DOOM dm is so much better than Quake - Doomers get some COLOR! Great layout, obviously.x
If you squint, it all blends together in a brown mass. 5'd for being an accurate recreation.x

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