Title: DeathMatch Forest ..for Doom2
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dmforest.zip
Size: 84.44 KB
Date: 04/17/96
Author: Kevin Worrel
Description: Well, can ya guess what this one is about? Yup, its a forest. I had never seen it done before so I decided to try it. I think it turned out good, but please, email me with any comments. I have included a response file with the params that this wad was meant to be played with: forespar.txt
Credits: Jason Worrel for music composition. Leo Martin Lim, author of uac_dead.wad, for the "staircase" idea of his. And of course the guys at ID for a great kick ass game!
Base: scratch......yes, I had an idea.
Build time: Still don't know exactly. Next time I'm going to time it!
Editor(s) used: *DCK v2.2* <----Best editor I've used! BSP Node Builder v1.2x WinTex v3.4 DeuTex v3.4 midi2mus v2.04 MusicTime v2.0 MidiSoft Recording Session v1.10
Bugs: There are some visual anomilies but I don't know how to fix them. Any ideas? Email me. "Its not my fault!"
Rating: (1 vote)

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This one seems like it could be fun for a StupidLMS type match: Very tight knit trees with chainsaws around, I think this would be fun for the gimmicky nature of it.x

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