Title: Exhale (You're The Victim)
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/exhale.zip
Size: 287.26 KB
Date: 05/08/97
Author: Danny Lancashire
Description: 2 player DEATHMATCH DOOM II level

Started off completely different, but then my maps always do. I spent quite a lot of time on both the playability element and the asthetics too.

Had to simplify somewhat because it was just plain slow over the modem, which it was written for.

I consider this my best level because it combines quite nice architecture with a lot of mileage in 2 player deathmatch. There are lots of varied shots you can pull off (some harder to master) - it's not as simple as it first looks :)

Why Exhale ? You really should know, but if in doubt try and catch the latest Prodigy hit 'Breath' The video says it all really ... };o

Sit back and watch the quick demo, then PLAY IT !
Credits: YETI ( playtesting & constructive criticisms ) RAMBO ( mainly just playtesting )

I must have gone through about 20 different betas ! Thanks for your patience guys, you've really helped.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A couple of months
Editor(s) used: D.e.e.P `97 v9.01 and WinTEX v4.2
Bugs: Very nearly; to do with the maximum number of visable (2-sided) linedefs, but I got around it in the end *8^] Should work with v1.666 too !
Rating: (5 votes)

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Most of us know this as MAP01 of BRIT10.WAD - Clearly meant for duels, this is now the home of EXP whores on Zdaemon FFA matches! I suppose I'm no exception, but Markistenes takes the BFG-Spam cake ;)x
this wad is really really sweetx

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