Title: FRAG SOUP ][
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/frgsoup2.zip
Size: 169.29 KB
Date: 06/26/96
Author: Franco Ielapi
Description: This PWAD replaces level two of DOOM II. It was designed to be a DeathMatch Level. This level resembles Frag Soup quite a bit, except that it is about 3 times bigger. There are no monsters, and there is an exit. The exit is a cooperative exit. All weapons are available on this level. This is a large playing area, so if you're looking for a low frag deathmatch level, then this is it. The level is centered around a building. This building is surrounded by a courtyard, which has a high ledge surrounding it. All deathmatch starts are on this ledge, and there are four deathmatch starts in total. The building itself has many hallways and staircases inside it. It is very easy to sneak up on someone because there is more than one way to get to some place inside the building. It is also nice and dark inside. Both the BFG9000 and the Plasma Gun are risky to obtain.

Oh yeah! The photo that you see on one of the walls is me!
Credits: id Software for making the game, and to the makers of the various Doom editors.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Approximately 1 week
Editor(s) used: DEU2 v6.66B, Edmap v1.30
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)

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Funny photo on the wall. Not a bad DM arena, just a bit plain.x

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