Title: Fun with Teleporters
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/funwtp.zip
Size: 17.3 KB
Date: 04/11/95
Author: ruiner and robert d.
Description: An AWESOME deathmatch level with all the essential elements. Great teleporter action, an awesome, DEEP arena, and good placement of weapons. You will enjoy this one once you know your way around. The file is small and runs well on slower connections/computers, even though there are big rooms.
Credits: robbyd and otto for so willingly getting their ass kicked.
Base: New level with ideas from lvnghell.wad present in its skeleton.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU2 and BSP12X
Bugs: No way. Well, some of the textures i couldn't get aligned, but thats because they aren't on intervals of 8. That doesn't count.

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