Title: Fuzz 2016
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/fuzz2016.zip
Size: 47.86 KB
Date: 09/15/16
Author: Bzzrak Ktazzz
Description: Back in 1996, when the sun was shinier and the grass greener, some GinsuMan released a DM level called "Fuzz 1". It was a primitive arena with some walls and lots of BFGs and SSGs. However, it had one dumb idea: those walls were actually 2S impassable linedefs, thus, you could shoot through walls. 20 years later, some really cool guy and genius mapper decided to fix the mistake.

Also, I haven't uploaded anything in 4 months, so I had to tell people that I'm still alive!
Credits: id Software, GinsuMan for creating the original, AlysiumX for making the official DB2 tutorials which got me into mapping.
Base: Modified version of fuzz1.wad
Build time: < 10 minutes for the level itself, 10 minutes for the textfile and 30 minutes for playtesting.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: none!
Rating: (1 vote)

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