Title: Lunchtime at Hill Engineers
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/hill2.zip
Size: 141.01 KB
Date: 03/24/96
Author: Mike DeRagon
Description: This map is the floor plan for Hill Engineers in Dalton, MA. Sounds boring, huh? Well, come to find out, this site of vicious deathmatches is in itself an excellent deathmatch arena. There are many routes and quick corners to run to. This plan seems to have been made with ambush in mind (no, DOOM didn't exist when we designed our office). Finding room for secret areas was tough, but our Architects came thru, as usual.

To keep interest up, two "unethical" secret areas were created. They are not visable in play, but can be detected on the map with alot of study. They have no effect on play, other than the booty.

This level was created only as an exersize in editor usage and my office layout was used for personal satisfaction. Most time in the editor was spent creating as accurate a representation as possible with DOOM. In the end, the layout actually was playable and became a favorate deathmatch arena.

BTW, the "EXIT" area is our competitors office, kind of like hell!

Hope you all enjoy this a bit.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Construction Kit v2.1b, v3.0 If you haven't tried this one you're missing a great editor interface.
Bugs: Edge leakage at Radiation sign, but the effect is appropriate. This is our Environmental Engineer's area.

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