Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/jail.zip
Size: 32.22 KB
Date: 02/17/95
Author: Dario Casali
Description: Lots of time went into making this level not only a joy to look at but a joy to deathmatch in. It is a fairly simple design, and has been used in both 2 and 4 player matches. There are monsters because I like them in deathmatches some times. It is called Jail.wad because I originally started it with the aim to make a prison yard or something, but it changed as I went on.
Base: New level All from scratch
Build time: About 10 Hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 2
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)

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This ancient Dario Casali map is decent given its age. Even though it's supposed to be a DM level, the monster placement is just as challenging as any of his other works. It's more playable in SP than DM, but be warned that there is no exit switch and several places you can get stuck. 3/5x

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