Title: Jumper02 for DOOM ][ Deathmatch 2.0
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/jumper02.zip
Size: 37.41 KB
Date: 05/01/95
Author: Andrew Tremblay
Description: A large central area with huge stairs and big passage ways leading away and back. A well marked exit prevents accidents. Some jumping involved but not a bone breaker like jumper01.wad. See comment section for additional information.
Credits: id Software; Edmap140; Movelev3; Warm13
Base: New level from scratch - Does a bear shit in woods! Yes yes yes - more coffee! ahhhhhhhh
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap140.zip, movelev3.zip (Hence level 19) Warm13.zip - hey it got the automap working!
Bugs: None so far (except the automap). Report any to me

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