Title: The Junkyard
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/junkyard2.zip
Size: 68.11 KB
Date: 02/04/96
Author: Brian Hess aka Wendigo
Description: Tight DM level set in a junkyard. The plasma rifle is held up by an electromagnetic crane. To get it down, go into the crane and turn off the magnet. A coupla secrets thrown in this wall and that one with some goodies, but nothing game- unbalancing.
Credits: Avatar (fsm3m@virginia.edu) and Krusty for playtesting via iFRAG using my new super smooth ethernet connect. Arcademan for utterly destroying me via LD phone call thus reaffirming that this is "a shotgun wad" as Avatar so eloquiently put it.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH 2.67 and ZenNode 0.whatever
Bugs: Why is it every wad I make maxes out the linedefs and gives me HOM? I tried to get em all but I don't want any snotty email about it, eh? :) Also there are a few rocket eating walls. It sucks but I gave up trying to fix them.
Rating: (2 votes)

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Oldschool DM map with a creative central gimmick.x

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