Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/kaoswar1.zip
Size: 476.94 KB
Date: 01/25/96
Author: Sartori==-=-=-= =- =- -- - - - - -
Description: This is KAOSWAR! This is a compilation of six ORIGINAL wads by myself. Alot of cool ideas, new sounds, and music. Only a couple of the levels are suited to 1-on-1 deathmatches, so if you are into H-T-H only, then don't both- er with this one... LVL 1- "KAOS" based on the symbol of CHAOS! LVL 2- "WARTIME" a design by my friend, Rek Lord. LVL 3- "KASM" can you say DEEP?? LVL 4- "SHURIKEN" shaped kinda like a ninja star. LVL 5- "HAVOK" you can block off the BFG in this one...very handy. LVL 6- "DREK" This one allows you to block off the BFG AND the Plasma Rifle...
Credits: All the guys at the ARENA BBS in Tampa, FL for helping me test this damn thing... To Rek Lord for designing most of Level 2...
Base: 6 New level from scratch
Build time: Off and on for 3 months...
Editor(s) used: DOOMCAD 5.1 with BSP12x DOS Node Builder... ...hehehe, don't laugh...
Bugs: None

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