Title: Keen: The wad.
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/j-l/keen.zip
Size: 10.42 KB
Date: 10/23/95
Author: Negative Creep (NegativeCreep@Djo.com)
Description: Hmm, i guess it is okay for Deathmatch... There are no bad guys in it, so DM would make sense. =) It is actually the floor plan of my house. For some reason the outside wouldn't go in, so it is inside only, missing a few closets.
Credits: My parents for buying a cool house. Uh, hmm, to, hmm, me. To the guys who DM out there. Thanks for playin with me. Thanks to id it is a cool game. Thanks. No thanks to Doom Copycat games. Most suck, except a few.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Hmm, years...not really...hmm 30 hrs maybe.
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.81 beta
Bugs: None--It is very swell. If you find errors, bite me
Rating: (1 vote)

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You have very cool house. Nice doors, for instance. But i didn't know that it's legal to have weapons and dead people lying around house. Is that yours family?x

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