Title: Mancer Extreme ][
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/mancerx2.zip
Size: 223.75 KB
Date: 02/22/96
Author: C. Savage
Description: MAP06 - This one is a rocket war! Built just like Mancer02.wad. Works great for 2 player DeathMatch, if you play 3 or 4 player be prepared to hear a lot of Death screams!

MAP07 - One of my better levels. This one tends to slow down if you play on 2 player. The level works best with 3 player, but 4 player is also recomended.

MAP08 - This one is also much better with 3 or 4 players.

MAP09 - This is one of my favorites! Its works awesome for 2-4 player! Designed to be an INSIDE\OUTSIDE level. This one is a must have!

MAP10 - This is also one of my favorites. Dont let your oppenent(s) get the BFG9000 or you are in big trouble.
Base: Each level was from scratch. Known bugs None know, Please E-mail me if you find any. New Texture No New Sprites No New Graphics Yes, But I can claim no credit for them. Status bar - I took this from Dwango4.wad ORANGE sky - For The Ultimate Doom, John Romero's 'Thy flesh consumed' episode. New Music Yeah! New Sounds Yeah!

* Play Info * Maps replaced MAP06 - 10 Demos replaced None Single player No Co-op 2-4 Nope DeathMatch 2-4 Yeah! Great for 2-4 players. DeathTag Nada Monsters No Difficulty setting: No always play on SKILL 5 in DeathMatch.

Special thanks to ID software for the awesome game!

Everybody in #DeathMatch for listening to me jabber on about my levels :) Dont forget to drop by #DeathMatch, its a great group of people.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: All levels were made with WinDEU. ENDOOM screen made with TED v1.2 (TED v1.2 comes with newest version of WinTEX) Base Each level was from scratch. Known bugs None know, Please E-mail me if you find any. New Texture No New Sprites No New Graphics Yes, But I can claim no credit for them. Status bar - I took this from Dwango4.wad ORANGE sky - For The Ultimate Doom, John Romero's 'Thy flesh consumed' episode. New Music Yeah! New Sounds Yeah!

* Play Info * Maps replaced MAP06 - 10 Demos replaced None Single player No Co-op 2-4 Nope DeathMatch 2-4 Yeah! Great for 2-4 players. DeathTag Nada Monsters No Difficulty setting: No always play on SKILL 5 in DeathMatch.

Special thanks to ID software for the awesome game!

Everybody in #DeathMatch for listening to me jabber on about my levels :) Dont forget to drop by #DeathMatch, its a great group of people.
Bugs: None know, Please E-mail me if you find any. New Texture No New Sprites No New Graphics Yes, But I can claim no credit for them. Status bar - I took this from Dwango4.wad ORANGE sky - For The Ultimate Doom, John Romero's 'Thy flesh consumed' episode. New Music Yeah! New Sounds Yeah!

* Play Info * Maps replaced MAP06 - 10 Demos replaced None Single player No Co-op 2-4 Nope DeathMatch 2-4 Yeah! Great for 2-4 players. DeathTag Nada Monsters No Difficulty setting: No always play on SKILL 5 in DeathMatch.

Special thanks to ID software for the awesome game!

Everybody in #DeathMatch for listening to me jabber on about my levels :) Dont forget to drop by #DeathMatch, its a great group of people.

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