Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/mcfearsm.zip
Size: 91.18 KB
Date: 04/08/96
Author: Hugo Elias
Description: GamesNet's 2nd official WAD. As far as i know this is the first, and only, wad to have reflective floors. Also includes: real fluttering flag, jelly walls, fish swimming UNDER water, invisable steps, rain, and..AND..Elle McFearSome.
Credits: SilverFist (for giving me NWT)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deep, NWT
Bugs: None
Rating: (9 votes)

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I was most impressed by the flag waving, that's a great trick for vanilla Doom. the reflective floor is ok, but it just looks weird to me. A decent map overallx
Awesome effects! Even better than Demonstrations Game, which also had several cool ones.x
An interesting showcase wad from the ambitious, pre-Quake part of 1996. The reflective floor is really cool, and so are the wobbly sectors. The other effects are neat too, but I wish I knew how to recreate that floor. 5/5 for the tricks, and 3/5 for gameplay I guess.x
I was intrigued by the mention of jelly walls, so I downloaded this and had a walk through it in single player. It's named after Elle Macpherson; she is a background object in one of the rooms, and is presumably there to distract players. The reflective floor and swimming fish work in PRBoom but not GZDoom - the floor is impressive. There's some gloopy slime that pours out of a pipe, and a fluttering flag.x
I heard about this from Hugo Elias site. I love gfx tricks in Doom WADs and this has some nifty ones which gives my ideas! Especially the reflective floor, I wasn't really sure how he does it, but I think I can guess the idea. The flag idea was great too! It's DM, I can't play it cause I only use to play SP, but this takes 5 stars from me! [Optimus]x

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