Title: NEWBOXE for DOOM ][ Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/newboxe.zip
Size: 23.72 KB
Date: 11/15/97
Author: DENIS Fabrice aka DeF-46!
Description: This level is based on my previous BOXE level.

I wanted to keep the fun of the boxing, but make it a little more interesting for deathmatch, so I have added dbl shotguns and armor at each start position.

This is really the fight between the BERSERK and the DOUBLE SHOTGUN!

The frags are very high, after some minutes, the floor of the ring is covered with corpses!

Of course you have the ROCKY music with it!

And best of all, you can walk on the ropes, and climb on the posts at the four corners, like they do in catch!

Well, I'm waiting for some comment/suggestions to know that there's still real doom fans like me out there, and then I will continue to update the goodies on the Leprechaun Web site!
Credits: BORIS Pereira, he has worked with me and supported me to release my creations, and we finally have opened the Leprechaun web site!

id Software - The MASTERS...
Base: head, brain, alpha waves, genius, and such.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK
Bugs: please report any to bpereira@ulb.ac.be

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