Title: Bourgeois Megawad
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/megawads/bourgfix.zip
Size: 25.73 MB
Date: 03/08/21
Author: Decay, Doomkid, Razgriz
Description: 30 maps suitable for Deathmatch, Singleplayer, or Cooperative. This set is a combination of brand new levels and remixed/demade maps from the authors' previous projects: Don't Be A Bitch Remastered (dbabrm.pk3), Aeon Deathmatch (AeonDM.pk3), Progressive Duel 2 (Progduel2.pk3) and Neon Deathmatch (NeonDM.pk3) which required advanced engines but are now completely vanilla and Unity compatible. It was not an easy task bringing them from UDMF format for Zandronum to vanilla! Although it is primarily a Deathmatch set, it is fully Single Player and Cooperative compatible, with changes in the map layouts to make them more interesting. Additionally, difficulty settings have been thoroughly implemented. Enjoy!

Note: Press F1 in game for map authors. Decay did the SP gameplay alterations for all maps except for 04, 07 (Doomkid did these) and 10, 22 (Razgriz did these... mostly..)
Credits: All new textures are patched from stock textures either in Slade or MS Paint by one of the authors. The handful of new MIDIs files are by Doomkid, the rest are taken from Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom.

A warm thank you to FrancisT18, Terminus (Moti), xvertigox, rdwpa, Michaelis, Krawa, Keyboard_Doomer, Mr.Crispy, OpenRift, Lil_Ruff, finnks13, maxmanium, Lol 6, ReaperAA, Uni and anyone else who either tested or participated in the project threads or commented in some way - you're all awesome!
Base: Half the maps are new, half are heavily remixed from prior projects.
Build time: About 4 months, give or take.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade3, XWE, WDC, etc.
Bugs: No known bugs, please report them to us if you find them.

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