Title: Overload Deathmatches
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/megawads/overload.zip
Size: 726.28 KB
Date: 08/28/98
Author: Ola Bjorling
Description: 16 rather small and quite high-paced deathmatch levels that I (Ola) originally started making for myself and some friends to play since everything else what too big or just plain ugly. (And we're too lazy to look for good levels :-) Later I introduced Nicklas and Tobias to DOOM editing and they started making maps for this project too. Martin Friberg teamed up quite soon to help us.

There are a few new textures in there, all being commercial quality and no fucking MS Paint CRAP.

Any switches you find have to do with the exit. There are no switches to reveal weapons or other goodies.
Credits: The whole team thanks: id for the greatest game of all time

Ola thanks: * Lee Killough for essential Visplane info and some info on the "slime trail" bug. Lee also gave me a new, unreleased version of BSP, 2.4b, to fiddle with. Thanks! * Eric James Roberts for help with rocket- eating walls. * Mr. DOOM (Tom Sanner) for great inspiration. * Lars Ljung for making me look good in DM. * Jeff Rabenhorst for the excellent EdMap. * Julia and all other friends for being there.

Tobias thanks: * Lars Ljung for making me look good in DM. * Jeff Rabenhorst for the excellent EdMap. * Mom for changing diapers. * Ola Bjorling (with two funky dots over the second o) for editing help.

Nicklas thanks: * Lars Ljung for making me look good in DM. * Jeff Rabenhorst for the excellent EdMap. * AST (Advanced Sucking Technology) * Ola Bjorling (with two funky dots over the second o) for editing help.

Martin thanks: * Lars Ljung for making the other guys look good in DM. * Malcolm Sailor for inspiration * Ben Morris for DCK * Rand Phares for his great Doom Consitency Checker

Yes, we ARE mocking this Lars guy. ;-)
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Some levels took 30 minutes, other took 30 hours... See details for each map below.
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: The slime-trail bug appears in some levels. We have done our best to remove this by running levels through DMAPEDITs nodebuilder (quite efficient with this bug) and BSP 2.4b, but some lightshadings can still cause the slime trails to show at certain angles, like in map03 and 4.
Rating: (6 votes)

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Map12 is the only one that isn't a boring tiny symmetrical layout.. From a technical persepctive it's well made but every map looks the same - Dull, grimey, uninspiring.. This author could have made 3 superb DM maps with the effort that went into this pack. The title is written in in dog poop on the title screen, not sure what that's all about.x
Maps were well detailed, but are way too symmetrical and cramped. The few maps that didn't suffer from copy-paste syndrome weren't enough to make up for it. 2/5 - tm512x
A bunch of visually impressive, small, DM maps. The team was headed by Ola Björling (who contributed with a shitload of textures and some maps to "The Darkening 2"), so you know this is quality in terms of texturing and overall design. Some people might find the maps a little *too* small, though, as 4 player DM - or more! - is virtually unplayable. --4/5x

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