Title: PARANOID Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/paranoid.zip
Size: 227.25 KB
Date: 08/28/97
Author: Richard Jaspars 'Styx'
Description: The first 2 levels of the PARANOID DM series. Like this level all the upcoming paranoid DM levels will be small 2 player deathmatch levels for fast paced fragfun. I put in as less unnecesary details as possible to make it play smoothly over the modem (which it does). Don't forget to watch the demo.
Credits: Michel Thomissen 'Mich', Philip Nelissen 'The Hunter' Andreï Romanov 'Roman' for comments, bug reports and playtesting. Team TNT, id
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 7 hours
Editor(s) used: DEEP, Wadmaster
Bugs: You tell me....
Rating: (2 votes)

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