Title: The Perfect Deathmatch WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/perfect.zip
Size: 49.21 KB
Date: 07/28/95
Author: Tom Kozera
Description: A medium size WAD specifinally designed with
Credits: id Software the makers of Doom and Doom 2 Shawn Hamm the maker of HORMELL.WAD Jasson Hoffoss the maker of DMapEdit Tom Neff the writer of WAD Design FAQ
Base: HORMELL.WAD by Shawn Hamm (Included)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit v4.0b (Go and try it, you'll love it.)
Bugs: None. If there were any would _I_ release it? I am a perfectionist goddamnit.

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