Title: Deathmatch wads from PG
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/pg_dm2.zip
Size: 93.46 KB
Date: 05/15/98
Author: Pavel Grodek
Description: Set of five well-balanced deathmatch wads. Some special effects are there to increase playability - special walls, lights, staircases, etc.
Credits: My parents, friends and editors' authors
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomEdit/PM (for OS/2) v1.06 - for most of development, EdMap 1.40 - for sectors manipulation, DMapEdit 4.0 beta 11 - for copying stuff
Bugs: None, only features. Special walls are _not_ bugs. A lot of thought and research were spent on them.

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