Title: Piggy with a view.
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/piggywav.zip
Size: 5.41 KB
Date: 02/08/95
Author: Kirk Yokomizo
Description: Here it is! The lastest edition of the Piggy series. With this version of the Piggy series I hoped to take care of some of the cheapness that has been taking place in all the other piggy wads. Not so much in 3+ player modes, but mostly in 1-on-1 matches. This problem was solved with the windows to catch some of the hiding out in the large rooms. All the classic piggy features are included of course, the wood textures in the halls, the BFG room, and of course the arenas with the quick stair weapons. The wad is really cool in 4 player mode free for all or 2-on-2. 1-on-1 matches are finally fair for a change! This wad can be used for acurate skill testing as well. Enjoy! Next in the series is on its way ;).
Credits: Matt Ayres for WADED 2.0 id Software, creaters of Doom I and II
Build time: 15 mins. Oh yeah.... :)
Editor(s) used: WADED 2.0.
Bugs: Vitalogy track 9.

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