Title: Point Blank 8
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/pobla8.zip
Size: 16.2 KB
Date: 07/10/97
Author: Denis Moeller, alias panza of TiC
Description: Another DM level with OLD Deathmatch play in mind. Very PoBla-like - made for a DM tournament.

THIS IS NO CRAP! TiC stands for quality. Remember that.
Credits: id, Coca Cola, my brother for fragging
Base: new
Build time: 10 hours
Editor(s) used: DETH, NWT
Bugs: What do you expect? NO BUGS AT ALL!
Rating: (2 votes)

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A great duel map, if a bit lopsided in terms of item placement. Lots of non-SSG spawns means you'll need to fight to control SSG and the BFG is potent.x

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