Title: Prophet2
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/prophet2.zip
Size: 57.91 KB
Date: 03/03/96
Author: Steve Bryan (The Prophet)
Description: A relatively small/medium-small Deathmatch wad resembling something out of a science fiction movie. Play is fast and gruesome. If you must have the BFG it won't be at no cost. :)
Credits: The Dweller in the Cellar for his awesome levels, all my deathmatch pals who have helped me playtest, and of course the obvious.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 6 days
Editor(s) used: Map: Dmapedit Node builder: BSP, Reject Map: RMB Sky: Corel Photo Paint, Dmgraph Music: midi2mus, mustool Sounds: Dmaud Cleanup: Cleanwad
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)

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Steve Bryan seems to have known in the early days what makes a good deathmatch. Great stuff.x

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