Title: |
QuaKä.WaD |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/quake.zip |
Size: |
247.1 KB |
Date: |
06/09/96 |
Author: |
º RiCHaRD º Î D a D D Î Í=Î=Í áäëúLM Í=Î=Í Î FCToRæ Î |
Description: |
Two NeW LeVELS 4 DeaTHMaTCh... ;)
No MeRiT.The Easier Way to make a WaD iS onE 4 DeaTHMatCH,but IùM Sorry
GuyS I C_A_N_T MaKE any single player wad úCoS I SaW The QuaKE TeST...
PLeaSE CheCK ThiS: -> www.idsoftware.com <-
ThaTùS HeaVEN! ThaTS the OLymPuS Where the GoDS Live...
I Wanna make this couple of MapS just 4 xpress The PainFuL feelinù and
The Agony of every MortaL. We SaW "ThE PriCE" But the QuaKeNinG iS NEaR The
TiME haS CoME aND We R E 4 ThEXPeRieNCe!
I BougHT a DX266+8Mb about 2 years ago.
I got the marvellous program of ToM HuDSoN: 3DStudio ;) and I DreaMt of
MakinG ViRTuaL Enviroments something magical and amazing.But with only 8Mb
and just 540HD I canùT Spend 24 hourS a Day renderin! I allwayS looking 4
a few number of sides,the less number of lights and the best textures. It
was hard,Sad and very very ungrateful.I hade a pair of good animations one
about 35Mb,th other 20Mb...and...and nothing.
I cant send them to my friends,I cant show them...just more space in my
HD and a lot of hours workinù 4 nothing!.
Then I DiscovereD DooM,the inCredible xperience! IT was too much 4 me.IT
was the best game Iùve EveR Seen.I KNew WoLFSTein,IùVe PLaYeD The Share
VerSion...but ThiS Time,the "touch" of the game waS perfect,the plot great
and the playability suberb! 9 over 10...
The Second step was Deu,and all the editors that are everywhere ;) but
I discover than the engine of DooM doesnùT really 3D.iTS a pseudo-3D real
good but not excellent! I have to battle with the linedefs and the sectors
4 make looking-real building and rip of "ViSPLaNES oVErFLoW" and all the
error message that DeSTroy my work! I had to use SECToRS to simulate ShaDoWS
I haD To USe SeCTorS to SiMulate Carpets...
BuT...Q u A K E...floor over floor...light sources.ThaTS ThaTS...i have
no worDS,ITS like 3DStudio but in real-time with creatures,with an argument
and with fun! ThaTS QuaKE...
IùVe PLAyeD QuaKE in DeaTHMATCH and iTS better than DooM and DuKe NuKeM
Iùve SeeN a lot of PiCS of QuaKE and ItS the MosT AmaZiNG ReaL SiMuLAtioN
that I Can OVeRWheLM my Computer... >;) iTS the Future!
.ùú> .ùú-J-o-N-Hùú.ùúR-o-M-E-R-oúù.úùi-Sùú.úù-A-ùú.úù-G-o-D-úù.,úù>
WeLL Here U R 2 MapS with the original QuaKE SouNDS! Xcept one that I
get from "ArMY oF DaRKNeSS" The MaSTer PieCE oF CiNEma HiSToRY! I hope u
like it...altough if U diDnùT Play The QuaKE TeST...it would be a little bit
Xtrange ;)
The first map with StairWayS to HeaVeN itS a olD-FoRGeT-CoMpleX i wanna
make some new than the SquaRE levels that u saw in other wads of áäëLM.
There R WiNdoWS,Stairs,CorneRS PLaSMa guN a good place 4 DeaTHMaTCH... ;)
The SeCoND MaP iTS a KiND oF "A_SaCo.WAD" the FreNZieST Map That iùVe EVeR
trieD! buT iTS CooL! well IùM The KreaTor And UùLL ThinK IùM noT FaiR.
...ThiS WaD WaS MaDE 4 PäNtiuM PoWäR AnD AWe oR GVS XPeRieNCE...
I hope u LikE it aND HaVE GooD DeaTHMaTCH TiME oN iT! |
Credits: |
ThE FaLLeN GoDS ThaT R MakiN' QuaKE the FirsT
ReaL Three-DiMeNSioNaL ENviroMeNT And AN EditoR
4 uS. THe PoRTaL 4 THe underWoRLDCReaTurEs to a
D a R K D i M ä N S i o N |
Base: |
My HoTTeST DreAMS witH QuaKE. |
Build time: |
A WeeK more or LeSS .LooKiN' in ThE 3W 4 some RumoRs and NeWS from the new release of iD |
Editor(s) used: |
DEU 5.2 ,BSP16 & WiNTäX + PSP32BiTS,SBSoFT & W95 |
Bugs: |
- NoPä! If U WaNT BuGS Made YoURSeLF! - If YoU ReAD -FRoM BäëLM FCToRy- you haVE ³ . QualiTY MaN. I MEAN -> NO BUGs,AwESoME WaD |
Rating: |
    (2 votes)
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Eye del Cul
     | Two small deathmatch maps for two to four players. Modest but effective, with pleasing aesthtics.
Of course I love the text file :). If you're using Unix, you can see it with all of its "swag" in an unicode terminal, issuing a command like "iconv -f cp850 -t utf-8 quake.txt". Here appears confused because it uses special chars from the old DOS encoding. Of course its not much more legible in the correct encoding... | x |
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