Title: Rat in a Cage
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/ratncage.zip
Size: 131.1 KB
Date: 05/20/97
Author: Timer
Description: Doom 2 Map 1 with some new twists! Lots of weapons, and lots of places to get caught. Go ahead, be the rat, go for the BFG (hehehe) *** PLAY AS MAP01 ***
Base: From Scratch while scratching my BUTT
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deth, BSP, and WinTex 4.0
Bugs: If we knew about'em dontcha think we'd fix'em?
Rating: (1 vote)

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This map looks like a DAMN fun BFG whorefest. It's criminal that Timer's maps aren't played online and it is now my goal to rectify that.x

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