Title: Shadows of Death Deathmatch Level
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/shdwsdth.zip
Size: 123.26 KB
Date: 10/11/95
Author: The shadow
Description: A bunch(7) of kick ass dmatch levels. First 4 made by others, last 3 and the music by ME. This level is a must for fans of Deathmatch.
Credits: Whoever made house.wad, fragcity.wad, Danzig17.wad, and shadows.wad Thanks for the great levels guys.

AND... for the music, it's not in order, if you listen to it you'll know...

Queen <- we will rock u Guns 'n Roses <- welcome to the jungle Greenday <- When I come around Megadeth <- Train of consecuences *METALLICA* <- Enter Sandman, Sanitarium, Call of Kluthu
Base: Levels 1-4 other's levels, 5-7 are mine from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.42, Doom2cad 5.1, Midi2mus, dmmusic, wadcat, and wad1to2b.
Bugs: in Level 7 if you go in one of the far corners there is a slight hom effect, nothing big....

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