Title: Shotgun ][
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/shotgun2.zip
Size: 11.65 KB
Date: 05/22/95
Author: Rockt and Asmo - play us on DWANGO!
Description: *** NON-STOP FRAG ORGY! *** Arena-like setting outdoors surrounded by a raised area and a dim indoor area.

The primary weapons are Super Shotguns, with some regular Shotguns, Chainguns, and Chainsaws. There's also a Rocket Launcher, Green Armor, and 50% Health Potion, but you'll take some risks getting them! *** PLAY AS MAP01 ***
Base: Made from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU 5.23 by Renaud Paquay
Bugs: If we knew about'em dontcha think we'd fix'em?
Rating: (3 votes)

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Oh hey, it's that Dwango 5 arena map!x
If you have problems when you try to extract the files from the zip-file shotgun2.zip, try UnZip from http://www.info-zip. org/ . It's avaiable for various platforms and works. Greetings Fundukex

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