Title: TC3-II, DeathMatch WAD for DOOM ][
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/tc3-ii.zip
Size: 3.49 KB
Date: 12/23/94
Author: can't remember, this was an original Doom wad that I have remade from memory for Doom ][
Description: A four room DeathMatch WAD for Doom ][, there are four upper rooms with 'shoots' to pop into the main rooms. High frags, fast action especially with 4 players! This WAD is small and does not have an exit switch.
Credits: The author of the original TC-3.WAD whoever it is, my buddy Jason for play testing.
Base: Scratch , from memory of original WAD
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.21
Bugs: None that we know of, but we haven't done too much testing

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