Title: The Gaming Center WaD
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/tgc.zip
Size: 1.19 MB
Date: 12/05/96
Author: Wadmasters - RaTCheeSe ( Head Wadmaster ) Homer ( Sounds Master ) Havoc Hugh the borg The Shark Ramb
Description: A compilation of some of our greatest deathmatch levels. Every level was made by someone here in Miami, except level one. We took our best work, levels, sound, graphics, music, and put it together.
Credits: We especially thank those who contributed their wads, ideas, and thoughts. This would not be possible had it not been for your help.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Some levels have been around for ages, but the wad itself was done in 3 weeks.
Editor(s) used: waded,nwt,dmaud,cooledit96,midi2mus,Adobe Photoshop, 3dstudio,dck,Paint Brush,Truespace2
Bugs: None

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