Title: The Hook
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/thehook.zip
Size: 40.56 KB
Date: 10/12/96
Author: spam
Description: well, this wad takes a dusk setting its small and fast paced (altho not as fast paced as the first beta... ;) have fun
Credits: id software (duh!! of course) and the following people from #deathmatch for their input/testing: xoleras, stello, scratchy, metal, fragmare & demoneatr
Base: new level from scratch
Build time: who the fuck knows
Editor(s) used: windeu32 5.24, nwt, wintex 4.2, warmdos 1.6, bsp1.5x
Bugs: none, actually a couple bullet-swallowing lines
Rating: (2 votes)

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Great, simple design. Terrible cowboys from hell rendition but well thought map.x

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