Title: Toy Factory
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/toyfact.zip
Size: 47.6 KB
Date: 10/04/95
Author: RAY aka.Z-Ray
Description: Doom ][ >> Deathmatch PWAD << (3-4 players recommended) - Players choose ONE weapon upon entering this Toy Factory. - A few secrets. - Needs at least SOME thinking to reach the exit. But hey, why leave? - Consistent look.
Credits: -
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU5.21gcc / EdMap1.21b / IDBSP
Bugs: - One tiny little 'tutti frutti' (I'm just too lazy to fix this myself) - The usual BSP errors (yawn) - NO HOMS, or anything.
Rating: (1 vote)

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Architecture is damn good for 1994, though this would have been better if the author went all the way and made it a SP / Coop map. It doesnt look that bad for DM, but it's a bit complex.x

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