Title: Deadly Cargo
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/tqmap03.zip
Size: 19.05 KB
Date: 01/23/98
Author: Tommie Quick
Description: A level designed 100% especially for 2 - 4 player deathmatch. 2 player is intense, 3 player.... hurts and 4 player it a TOTAL frag fest. Have fun!
Credits: Ty Halderman for uploading to ftp.cdrom.com My many frienda on IRC (channel #DOOM2) that have found bugs etc in this level.
Base: New level from scratch. Every sector created with DM in mind.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62
Bugs: You sometimes get a HOM effect when walking out of the tunnel into the court. This is due to a visplane overload and is due to the DOOM Engine not me. However, the new version of DOOM that are being released have better visplane handling capabilities.

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