Title: The VorTeX Deathmatch Series, Pack 1
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/v-z/vortpak.zip
Size: 49.96 KB
Date: 04/16/95
Author: VorTeX
Description: This is a DM series that I started because the only DOOM ][ levels we really played for DM were map 1, 7, and 16. I decided to make a series that contained fast paced action, and some thought into what you were going to do to stay alive. There are 5, yes FIVE, levels in this pack.
Credits: Matt Lea for helping design map04 over the phone while waiting to play it. And many IRC Death Matchers for helping play test them.
Base: 20 or so Hours for the Maps and DM stuff
Build time:
Editor(s) used: HFDE/2 (internal release), Various -VS- utilities
Bugs: None.

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