Title: WAAAHHHH!!! version 3.1 HOPEFULLY FINAL!!!!!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/v-z/waahh31.zip
Size: 16.19 KB
Date: 03/20/96
Description: The best dmatch wad ever made. If you don't think so, then feel free to mail bomb Koller with the reason (or show me a better wad). Designed for 2 players, skill 4.
Credits: the authors of DCK
Base: The voices told me to build it. They said if u build it frags will come.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2
Rating: (3 votes)

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This was a pretty nice level overall. A very open and interlocked map. It was great for its time. Nowadays it's a bit too bland and boring, but it can still provide some great fun and fragging.x
Nice map I guess, but saying its the best ever is slightly pretentious.x
true. this is indeed the greatest wad ive ever playedx

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