Title: The Gallery
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gallery.zip
Size: 10.18 KB
Date: 08/01/05
Author: Mike Seltenright
Description: Named for the two large galleries on either side of the main chamber. This .wad is exciting and challenging in both deathmatch or single play. Good luck and good hunting. Mike
Credits: Raphaël Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber for DEU 5.21; Colin Reed for BSP v1.1w; ADLER for hacking DEU-II; Chris Csakany and Marvin Hays for putting up with my endless nagging to play test;
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Way too long. :->
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, by Raphaël Quinet & Brendon J. Wyber, DEU-ii by ADLER the Naughty :)
Bugs: none
Rating: (7 votes)

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short and too basic...seems a DM layout than Solox
I liked itx
Could use more than just one wall texture in the level, also more height variation. Those "invisible ambush" places were good, though.x
Fun, but a but short.x

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