Title: The Final Gathering
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gather2.zip
Size: 289.61 KB
Date: 05/17/05
Author: Daniel "Stormin" Norman
Description: This is the DOOM 2 version of "The Gathering."

The moon base water treatment and recycling center started reporting strange happenings deep in there sewer system a few weeks ago. Just days later a garbled transmission during the sounds of battle made it through to the UAC outpost on Deimos 4.

"Nuke us.......it's the only.....have to... ....cant make this......sewers...cavern... from hell"

was all that could be understood from the message. Not much to go on, but that's what you're used to. They don't give you any easy ones, and you don't get to ask to many questions.

The UAC needs you to investigate and "rectify" any potential hazards on the water treatment facility.

Good luck.

Dang! what the heck was that? Just two tunnels and an underpass from the UAC water treatment plant. The driver never saw the creature waiting in the tunnel. In a flash it was over. Nothing could have survived that crash... you could be wrong ... you did. I guess your on foot now. Be careful, the truck that was escorting you was carrying emercency supplies for the plant personnel and some toxic waste. Watch it, that stuff is flammable.

Rumor has it that the hellspawn are constructing a stronghold near the water plant. If you make it to level four, you'll have your work cut out for you.

Level five is located in the depths of the earth below the enemy stronghold. This level was designed with deathmatches in mind. If you're going solo it should prove to be a very challenging game.
Credits: Scotty Ray Warren for the awesome new music that he posted in the Action Games Forum library on Compuserve. Thanks Scotty! The music is "God Like".

My wife. She is absolutely the greatest gal in the whole world. A true DOOM widow at times but always delightful.

Mike "All I want is a plasma gun" Hough; the greatest space marine in UAC history. Mike spent hours playtesting these levels. Thanks for the encouragement.

Paul "Don't Shoot! It's me!" Melko; He helped me debug some of the problems when playing in coop mode. We played the levels a lot and they were great in coop mode.

ID Software - WOW! Thank you so much. This has become a way of life.

Collin Reed for the BSP Utility

Raphael Quinet and Brendon Wyber for the awesome DEU 5.21 editor. You guys are brainiacs.

My mother, the acadamy and all my grade school friends..... ;)
Base: levels 1-3: GATHER.WAD (for original DooM) and level 5: DARKSIDE.WAD (for DooM2). Both also made by Daniel Norman.
Build time: DEU (GCC), BSP, DEUii, DETH
Editor(s) used: AROUND 140 HOURS
Bugs: Bugs? You think I spend hundreds of hours on this for bugs?.....Jeeez.

Well, there may be a slime line here or there because of the complicated architecture.
Rating: (21 votes)

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