Title: Gauntlet.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gauntlet.zip
Size: 78.48 KB
Date: 07/12/96
Author: John Parr
Description: You have been captured by the demons. As you are interrigated the head demon, known as 'Bubba' and who carries to fireball launchers, becomes curious to your resolve not to answer any questions even under torture. He approaches you and staring silently at you for several minutes he speaks...

(Translated from demon speak) ('I am most impressed a lowly human can withstand the pain of some of my best interrigators. I am now curious as to how much pain you can really withstand. I will give you a chance to get free. You must run the Gauntlet. To survive you must complete the challenges including facing my many minions, solving puzzles, and collecting the six keys needed to win. If, and I stress IF, you survive I will personally face you in combat. You beat me, you go free. I win, which I will, you may go free. Are you willing to take the challenge?)

After pretending to think it over (what choice do you really have?) you agree to run the gauntlet. You are armed with a pistol and 50 bullets. Under heavy guard you are escorted to the teleportation chamber. You set in and .....
Credits: All the people who answered my questions on the newsnets.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Somewhere around 3-4 weeks
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor and Doomed (for node/reject build)
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)

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This is dated July 1996. The readme suggests some quality impse - you're in prison, being tortured by an imp called "Bubba" - but sadly the author chose not to run with this. Instead the level is a decent, old-fashioned rocky hub, with 250+ baddies. Looks older than 1996 but plays decently. Tonnes of health and ammo, and a mazey layout that often makes you do the same thing over and over again. With a bit of pruning it would have been okay, but unexceptional.x
This map has some flaws, but is still interesting to play. Worth checking out if you don't demand only top-quality maps.x

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