Title: Wine's Luxury Grange
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/grange.zip
Size: 15.65 KB
Date: 09/14/06
Author: Ruba
Description: I try to make a level which is better. Nicer arcitecture and better challenge. There is a Cybredemon in this level and a lift as well. You will be happy about my improved styel of doom level. One problem is scrolling walls, live with it man!
Base: New level from scratch Editor(s) used Doom Builder 1.60, Known Bugs Scrolling Walls, how do I fex em?
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.60, Known Bugs Scrolling Walls, how do I fex em?
Bugs: Scrolling Walls, how do I fex em?
Rating: (16 votes)

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