Title: Granite Me Baby!
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/granitme.zip
Size: 42.26 KB
Date: 10/22/96
Author: Derek Altamirano
Description: This is my second finished wad. This is a multi- purpose wad that can be played single, multiplayer, or DEATHMATCH. There are some interesting hiding places. My level contains (as always) an upside down room. To my knowledge, this has never been done before my Rockme (Or Rockme2) Wad file. (If I'm mistaken, please let me know!)
Credits: The programmers of WinDEU. This is the only editor I have been able to get to work properly. (I liked edmap, but it kept giving me errors.)
The book "Tricks of the DOOM Programming Guru's"
The creators of UAC_DEAD.wad - it's a killer wad.
Base: From Scratch.
Build time: About 1 week
Editor(s) used: Windeu
Bugs: None to my knowledge
Rating: (4 votes)

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Bad King John
Interesting design, but some large rooms with few monsters. Has a few curious pointless features : a broad and elaborate marble stairs just to find three troopers and megasphere; and you get the red key right at the end but I never saw a red door. HoM bug at the blue door. But to the zero star reviewer : I've seen far, FAR worse.x
I guess the "þ" was a mistake. This is an extremely dull and bland level from eleven years ago. It's very hard to write about; the design is more complicated than just a series of bare rooms, but only just barely. You fight about three dozen weak monsters in a techbase/medieval environment, with loads of health and a fair amount of ammo. I walked straight through the upside down room without noticing it.x

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