Title: Grime
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/grime.zip
Size: 274.48 KB
Date: 11/24/09
Author: Death-Destiny
Description: This was designed to be a difficult map. I got my inspiration for this map from maps 23-25 of Scythe2, the last episode of Scythe, The last 4 maps of AV, map14 from CC1, map32 from CC2, and map25 from CC3. I know it's a long list, but all influenced at least some aspect of the map.
Credits: The authors of the maps listed above for their inspiration. =)
Base: None
Build time: 3 days, including testing
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: Probably some, nothing major I hope
Rating: (43 votes)

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