Title: Grace Under Pressure for Doom II
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/gup.zip
Size: 74.91 KB
Date: 09/30/96
Author: Mr Scary (Joel Ansier)
Description: Medium-sized level, built with single- player and co-op in mind. This level features a 95% linear design, challanging gameplay, and good texture alignment. I've tried to make it live up to the high standards set by the kings of wad design - the Memento Mori crew, and the authors of the Master Levels. This is a quality level.

Average completion time: @16 minutes
Credits: my friend Lord Beer, for multiplayer testing. my brother, for playtesting Jim Flynn and Michael Reed, for inspiration George Lynch, for burning guitar solos
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU 5.23 (majority of editing) DCK 3.61 (here and there at the end) WARM 1.6 Wintex 4.2 XMUS 0.5
Bugs: Well . . . if you get killed on the second elevator while it's going up, you might see a small HOM - only happened once though, and was due largely to the extraordinarily complex architecture. :) No bugs.
Rating: (3 votes)

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yea cool mapx
thair are some texturs that dont realy fit in but the battles are prity good 3/5 x

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