Title: The Dark Netherworld of Hades
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hades.zip
Size: 301.85 KB
Date: 05/31/97
Author: Jeremy L. Wagner
Description: The Dark Netherworld of Hades was a realm that was unheard of... until it was discovered. Many people fear for their lives, because at any moment, the demons may make their move toward the surface, and invade...
Credits: Shamus Young for letting people use his music, and of course, id for DOOM II.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 5 Hours
Editor(s) used: DEU2C, WinTex 4.2, PC Paintbrush 1.0
Bugs: Not a single concievable error
Rating: (5 votes)

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Wolfen: Interesting voices, mapping isn't that bad, but textures are.. average.x
I liked the lightingx
Nice description: "The Dark Netherworld of Hades was a realm that was unheard of... until it was discovered." No shit sherlock; something unheard of til it was discovered? That's a wee bit of genius there.x
not two good but iv seen worce x

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